Thursday, March 15, 2012


Bronzeville Visitor Information
                Promoting Heritage Tourism Development in the Bronzeville Community will be such an
experience for me. It will allow me to learn more about the historical things on the south side as well as
more about my African American culture in Chicago.
The Bronzeville Visitor Information Center went into partnership with Dr. Zada Johnson, who
successfully completed her doctorial dissertation at the University of Chicago. Dr. Johnson, took pride
and dedication in taking on this partnership because it was to revitalize the community through tourism
The Informational Center was also organized and put together so that the people in the neigh-
borhood and other tourism would be able to come and see as well as get information about the
historical Bronzeville Community.
 I learned about the internship with Dr. Johnson, on February 08, 2012 in class, Ms. Cash
informed the class that Dr. Johnson was still looking for two candidates to work with her with the
Bronzeville Visitor Information Center Project.
When I arrived at home I immediately email Dr. Johnson to let her know that I was interest in
working with her. She didn’t get back with me right away, but during class on February 15, 2012 is when
she requested that I come to her office.  She informed me that she had just got my email and she was
excited to know that I wanted to work with her. We discussed a little about the center, how she became
involved and became into partnership with the Center. Dr. Zada Johnson had known Mr. Harold Lucas,
when she attended the University from which she graduate from. Mr. Lucas use to come over to the
University and speak as well as gave lecture and with Dr. Johnson being such a wonderful researcher
that’s how they came into connection as far as being on the same team. Dr. Johnson explained to me
that I would be working with directly with a lady by the name of Ms. Fox.
 Dr. Johnson sent Ms. Fox an email informing her of who her two interns would be, and that I
would be calling her to schedule a meeting to discuss the work hours and my duties.
On February 20, 2012, I went to the Information Center and met with Ms. Fox. She asked me
how many hours did we have to complete I told her seventy two hours by the end of the semester in
May, doing eight hours per week.  I informed her that I also work at Mercy Housing I am considered as
on- call, sometimes I may work 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. or 4:00 p.m. until 12:00 a.m. I also informed her
that I attend Northeastern University School for class on Wednesday, from 5:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. and  
I am a work study as well.
We made arrangements for me to come in the following Monday by 3:00 p.m. and she said that
if I could come earlier then to come. On February 27, 2012, I’m at the Information Center at 11:00 a.m.
and there wasn’t anybody there. I waited for over and hour and know one showed up. 
I went in to work at Northeastern and informed Dr. Johnson came in I told Dr. Johnson what
happen when I went to the Center and no one ever showed up. I told her I just left my name and phone
number with this young man name Michael. He worked next door, with this company called Black Star
Productions. He told me that he would let Ms. Fox know that I had been there and how long I waited.
After Dr. Johnson got situated, I asked her to give me a little information about the
center and she did. I really wasn’t sure about what exactly type of work I would be doing as an intern,
but as I was writing my paper Ms. Fox happen to call me. She wanted t know if I set my schedule, I told
her I would be able to do Monday’s with her from 11:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. if I wasn’t called by my
other job at Mercy Housing and work two hours on Fridays, she replied and said great. I asked her what
was it that I would be doing she said preparing for coming events, keeping records of different partici-
pants involved in the program, keeping records of  who will be attending, and data entry the jobs would
vary from day to day.    

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hello Bloggers its Babygirl again. I recieved a call from my boss at my other job and she gave me my evaluation and would u know I recieved all 3's and that allowed me to be able to get another raise. That  was another exciting part of my day. Thank u Jesus.

Intern today at Bronzeville Info Center

Hello Bloggers, today was a good and knowledgable day for me. I had the opportunity of working with Mr. Norman at The Bronzeville Information Center. We went on the computer and went to images of a black family. I had to pick out some of the best looking family that I liked for this particular project. It is called The Family Reunion of the Great Migration. This assignment is about families who have Family Reunion.and looking for a great event to participate in. Mr. Norman gave me a lot of information once again about the Bronzeville area and why it is so historical and called what it is.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Very Grateful

It's me again fellow bloggers, just wanted u to know that I am having the wonderful experience of working with three most beautiful women. They are so helpful as well as understanding. They are very responsive to my needs, and I'm very grateful. Thk u all such much u know who u are. 


Hello fellow blogger just wanted to give you some insight of my internship with The Bronzeville Information Center. I started interning through Dr.Zada Johnson for research. She shared lots of information about the Bronzeville area due to the fact that she went into partnership with them and not only that but most importantly she was born and raised in that area. I have also been interning along with one of our colleagues Sierra Calhoun, we've gained so much information and research about the Bronzeville area. We have been making calls to other businesses and organization who give donations to our organization and that keeps our business going.